Scalp Micropigmentation Aftercare Guide

scalp micropigmentation aftercare


Tips To Follow After Your Treatment Session

Generally, after SMP treatment, you would like to treat your scalp like an open wound. Following our scalp micropigmentation aftercare guide will ensure a good, long-lasting result. Don’t wash your scalp and do keep it clean. No chlorinated pools, saunas, steam rooms, or tanning beds for at least 21 days after your final treatment.



After your treatment, it is important to follow these short-term care instructions to allow the pigments to settle in.

1. During Your First 4 Days

The most important rule to take care of your scalp in this period is not to wash your head. After your SMP procedure, washing your head might seem to be very tempting, but don’t do it. During the first 4 days, your scalp is still sensitive and if you add water to your head, you can damage it. Besides, try not to shave your head and touch the treated area.


2. Day 5 to Day 7

Throughout this period, you should avoid:

  • Sweating Heavily: Try to avoid taking part in tough cardio sessions during this time. Excessive sweating can lead to an interruption in the healing process.
  • Scrubbing and shampooing: Scrubbing the scalp can make your wounds open, and shampooing will add harsh chemicals.
  • Exposure to sunlight: UV rays can lead to sunburn and sun damage to your scalp.
  • Touching with hands – Touching your scalp with your hands too much can increase the risk of infection.

During the first 7 days, make sure you’re drinking plenty of water and taking any medication as prescribed. You can gently rinse your scalp and clean the area with a wet cloth to keep it clean. If you want to shave your head, now would be a good time to do it. It’s important to use an electric foil shaver. When you’re shaving your head, minimize any scabs that may still be visible on your head. You can apply small amounts of water to your head. At this time, you can get back to your showering sessions. However, remember to take a quick, light shower, but stay away from sulfate shampoo.


You should contact our clinic immediately if unusual or more serious side effects are experienced even after following our scalp micropigmentation aftercare guide.

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